Sunday, May 14, 2006

When You Control The Content You Control The Nervous System of The Industry

From The Joe Schroeder List-Dragon Catalogue
“You Are Your List.”

By Joe Schroeder Y2K06

Forget about studying opportunity companies for a minute. Put away the calculator and just for a minute, stop analyzing compensation plans and just for a minute, start studying what the F/T home-based entrepreneurs knows that the majority of part-timers never fully grasp.

The fact is, without content and it’s useful integrated delivery, the home grown net-preneurs would be just a shelf beneath every other “poor me I never made a penny” Networker.

There are two (2) types of work-from-home Networkers.

(a) Those that control and create the marketing content.
(b) Those who can’t, so they pay guys like me to USE their content.

Tip: He who CONTROLS the content always sits above everyone else and he who controls the CONTENT-----ultimately, controls the sales process. No wonder guys like me rake it in and control the industry.

YOU will CONTROL your prospects experience through viral marketing content, using websites, banks of 1-800 lines, audio post-cards and the like or you will pay GUYS LIKE ME handsomely to.

If you do not CONTROL the funnel, you will pay someone else to.

Fact: You pay other people for leads.
Fact: You pay other people to use THEIR sites.
Fact: You pay other people to use their system.
Fact: You will pay others to control what you failed to.
Fact: You don’t have a business, you are working your UPLINES business.

You are your list. Save yourself.

What makes Napster-Napster, where you can swipe over 8,000,000 songs, burn to a CD for only fourteen bucks a month, what makes NAPSTER [Napster], is their catalogue of content.

What made Ted Turner, who created CNN news? CONTENT!

What separates the entrepreneur from the common Networker is content.

Everything David Geffen

David was the FIRST Hollywood Billionaire. No wonder.

Geffen created Asylum records and owned the BACKS of such recording catalogues of artists such as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Guns-N-Roses, Neil Young, Jackson Browne and about twenty other legendary singers. Then, as a goof, Geffen went on to finance the DREAM GIRLS and “Cats” show on Broadway in New York City.

It’s no secret. Guys who own the content CONTROL the industries they pirate.

Now I ask you, is MY own monopoly any surprise to you?
I have the entire industry a new nervous system.
I created the funded proposal and QUICK LINK Theory.
I created the VIRAL website “MLM BigFish.”
I created and wrote the FREE Viral Ebook, “The Genetic Code.”
I created the viral content driven MY WAVE PAGE (with Diane Hochman).
I have 17 audio CDs.
I have a bank of over 110 written reports.
I own List Dragon and United Master-Mind. Two large affiliate programs.

Geez. I wonder why I did over $250,000 in revenue last month.

Digital Cowboys and How The Net Was Won

Where would a Dale Calvert be or a David LeDoux be, for that matter, if they didn’t have rich content that interfaces with their potential future customers?

 Content rich auto-responders loaded with riveting text.
 Tele-seminars and conference calls to interface off line with online.
 Fax-on-demands, post-cards and other off-line content.
 Audio tapes, CD’s, video’s and other media rich content items.
 Well written replicated web-sites to glue their list together as an army.

The entrepreneurs to study have broadband stages that speak and sort for them and for their armies of loyal members. (think, Mike Dillard)

The Big “Ah-Ha”

However, it isn’t all gravy for these heavy-hitters if they didn’t have the content to drive people deeper and deeper into their sales funnels.

The Power of Content and
How It Translates To Income

Back in the middle nineties, I started to created audio tapes for my downline. I didn’t do that in order to sell 100,000 audio tapes. I was simply creating training audio tapes for my downline members. Viral.

Then I created a fax-on-demand report and I also wrote a training guide.

One day, out of frustration (that my group wasn’t building fast enough), I decided to run an ad for my training tapes. All told I spent $645 on that magazine display ad and revenues spit back at me to the tune of over $3,000.

Did that turn me into a content provider? No, what that did was teach me a lesson about how easily content could translate back into money for me.

When the tables turned for me though----in a good way---was when I allowed other people to use my “system” (content) to create income.

Notice the size of this Sample Wave Page
Notice the viral essence of
Notice the density of

And that’s what content can do. It can make you money. Now today I have over 6,800 registered affiliates at my content delivery site.

They make money and I make money and none of us would make money if we didn’t have content to exchange, sell and to advertise with.

That’s what Oprah Winfrey does as well. She creates TV shows (content) that she can sell seamlessly through TV syndication.

That’s also what Robert Redford does.

Back in the eighties Redford formed a little company called, “Sundance Film Festival.”

It was simple. Redford created a platform for film makers who were not in the Hollywood loop----to show off their films and get some industry exposure.

Robert Redford is a Content Provider Silly.
Not an Actor!

Now many years later, annually, Hollywood stampedes to the Sundance Film Festival to scoop up cool CONTENT that they buy and then distribute through normal Hollywood channels.

Now think. Who makes more money? The content providers and producers of the content or the “distributors” or actors who use the content?

Think again. Who makes more money? Steven Speilberg, who creates the content or say---the actors who participate in his films?

Now you know why actors such as Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and Demi Moore got into the content and production end of Hollywood.

[Demi Moore helped produce those Austin Powers Mike Myers films]

Diane Hochman co-created the design and spine within The Million Mind March

Which makes the conclusion obvious.

He who controls the content controls the largest piece of the pie.

Content Gives You Lateral Control That Not Having Control of Content Can Not Offer You

Leading indicators are fun to the extent that by studying what comes before “‘riches” for entrepreneurs, you can clearly notice that CONTENT and good content comes before all big earners in this industry of ours.

Where would famed author of “Conversations with Millionaires” (Mike Litman) be if he didn’t have the audio interview rights of the content he collected as he interviewed Millionaires such as Mark Victor Hansen, Wally Famous Amos or Robert Allen?

That ability to control content allowed Litman to sell over 72,000 copies of that book. Once again, he who controls the content wins!

Do you CONTROL your auto-responder or did you fork over that control to the Guru on top? DO YOU own the content that you use in your auto-responder?

Trust yourself. Own the system.

Where would Robert Blackman, Dale Calvert or BLP-Lpod owners Richard Reckenbeil and Eric Gordon be, if they didn’t have cool site content, auto-responder content---to massage their opt ins---and content to provide and entertain with on conference calls, etc, etc.

“Content is King” and what makes it “King” is that content is the sorting procedures potential customers use to decipher whether or not they eventually buy something or not.

Think about it.

If it wasn’t for auto-responders, web-sites and conference call content none of us would be here, nor would we have any medium of information from which to exchange resources that translate to revenue based networking.

The leading indicator then is obvious, it’s content.

What is the Larry King Show? It’s content that CNN uses to sell advertising.
What is NFL? It’s content on TV designed to breed $1,00,000 ad campaigns.

The place to be for maximum control and revenue is where you can control what your potential customers see and experience. And having an army of auto-responder letters that re-sell the affiliate that you promote is not control.

That’s just content that either sinks or swims.

Real content is about content that keeps your list tied to you and them waiting for the next letter, regardless of what you are selling.

In a word, lets try relevant.

Relevant content keeps your list with you.
Hype and preying on people’s hopes and dreams makes them opt-out.

Isn’t that why we stick to people like Frank Garon and Jimmy Vigilante?

Why? Because they deliver valuable information—and entertainment—to us and regardless of what they may pitch you every now and again, the content and it’s value is what we linger for.

What the dot com Gurus have figured out is this.

Content, be it in auto-responder form, audio tape or conference call form, no matter, what they Gurus have figured out is that he who has a war chest of lucid and entertaining content----build the biggest lists and drive the most visitors to their sites.

Think about this. If you quit your current opportunity (for any reason), what CONTENT would you use to parlay your list into something else?

Taken even a step further than that, lets say your program went belly up.

What CONTENT would you use to keep your readers of your auto-responder glued to your auto-responder series?

So once again we can surmise, he who controls the content controls the nervous system of an industry.

Peace and Light,

The List-Horse