From The Joe Schroeder List-Dragon Catalogue
“You Are Your List.”
By Joe Schroeder Y2K06
Forget about studying opportunity companies for a minute. Put away the calculator and just for a minute, stop analyzing compensation plans and just for a minute, start studying what the F/T home-based entrepreneurs knows that the majority of part-timers never fully grasp.
The fact is, without content and it’s useful integrated delivery, the home grown net-preneurs would be just a shelf beneath every other “poor me I never made a penny” Networker.
There are two (2) types of work-from-home Networkers.
(a) Those that control and create the marketing content.
(b) Those who can’t, so they pay guys like me to USE their content.
Tip: He who CONTROLS the content always sits above everyone else and he who controls the CONTENT-----ultimately, controls the sales process. No wonder guys like me rake it in and control the industry.
YOU will CONTROL your prospects experience through viral marketing content, using websites, banks of 1-800 lines, audio post-cards and the like or you will pay GUYS LIKE ME handsomely to.
If you do not CONTROL the funnel, you will pay someone else to.
Fact: You pay other people for leads.
Fact: You pay other people to use THEIR sites.
Fact: You pay other people to use their system.
Fact: You will pay others to control what you failed to.
Fact: You don’t have a business, you are working your UPLINES business.
You are your list. Save yourself.
What makes Napster-Napster, where you can swipe over 8,000,000 songs, burn to a CD for only fourteen bucks a month, what makes NAPSTER [Napster], is their catalogue of content.
What made Ted Turner, who created CNN news? CONTENT!
What separates the entrepreneur from the common Networker is content.
Everything David Geffen
David was the FIRST Hollywood Billionaire. No wonder.
Geffen created Asylum records and owned the BACKS of such recording catalogues of artists such as Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Guns-N-Roses, Neil Young, Jackson Browne and about twenty other legendary singers. Then, as a goof, Geffen went on to finance the DREAM GIRLS and “Cats” show on Broadway in New York City.
It’s no secret. Guys who own the content CONTROL the industries they pirate.
Now I ask you, is MY own monopoly any surprise to you?
I have the entire industry a new nervous system.
I created the funded proposal and QUICK LINK Theory.
I created the VIRAL website “MLM BigFish.”
I created and wrote the FREE Viral Ebook, “The Genetic Code.”
I created the viral content driven MY WAVE PAGE (with Diane Hochman).
I have 17 audio CDs.
I have a bank of over 110 written reports.
I own List Dragon and United Master-Mind. Two large affiliate programs.
Geez. I wonder why I did over $250,000 in revenue last month.
Digital Cowboys and How The Net Was Won
Where would a Dale Calvert be or a David LeDoux be, for that matter, if they didn’t have rich content that interfaces with their potential future customers?
Content rich auto-responders loaded with riveting text.
Tele-seminars and conference calls to interface off line with online.
Fax-on-demands, post-cards and other off-line content.
Audio tapes, CD’s, video’s and other media rich content items.
Well written replicated web-sites to glue their list together as an army.
The entrepreneurs to study have broadband stages that speak and sort for them and for their armies of loyal members. (think, Mike Dillard)
The Big “Ah-Ha”
However, it isn’t all gravy for these heavy-hitters if they didn’t have the content to drive people deeper and deeper into their sales funnels.
The Power of Content and
How It Translates To Income
Back in the middle nineties, I started to created audio tapes for my downline. I didn’t do that in order to sell 100,000 audio tapes. I was simply creating training audio tapes for my downline members. Viral.
Then I created a fax-on-demand report and I also wrote a training guide.
One day, out of frustration (that my group wasn’t building fast enough), I decided to run an ad for my training tapes. All told I spent $645 on that magazine display ad and revenues spit back at me to the tune of over $3,000.
Did that turn me into a content provider? No, what that did was teach me a lesson about how easily content could translate back into money for me.
When the tables turned for me though----in a good way---was when I allowed other people to use my “system” (content) to create income.
Notice the size of this Sample Wave Page
Notice the viral essence of
Notice the density of
And that’s what content can do. It can make you money. Now today I have over 6,800 registered affiliates at my content delivery site.
They make money and I make money and none of us would make money if we didn’t have content to exchange, sell and to advertise with.
That’s what Oprah Winfrey does as well. She creates TV shows (content) that she can sell seamlessly through TV syndication.
That’s also what Robert Redford does.
Back in the eighties Redford formed a little company called, “Sundance Film Festival.”
It was simple. Redford created a platform for film makers who were not in the Hollywood loop----to show off their films and get some industry exposure.
Robert Redford is a Content Provider Silly.
Not an Actor!
Now many years later, annually, Hollywood stampedes to the Sundance Film Festival to scoop up cool CONTENT that they buy and then distribute through normal Hollywood channels.
Now think. Who makes more money? The content providers and producers of the content or the “distributors” or actors who use the content?
Think again. Who makes more money? Steven Speilberg, who creates the content or say---the actors who participate in his films?
Now you know why actors such as Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise and Demi Moore got into the content and production end of Hollywood.
[Demi Moore helped produce those Austin Powers Mike Myers films]
Diane Hochman co-created the design and spine within The Million Mind March
Which makes the conclusion obvious.
He who controls the content controls the largest piece of the pie.
Content Gives You Lateral Control That Not Having Control of Content Can Not Offer You
Leading indicators are fun to the extent that by studying what comes before “‘riches” for entrepreneurs, you can clearly notice that CONTENT and good content comes before all big earners in this industry of ours.
Where would famed author of “Conversations with Millionaires” (Mike Litman) be if he didn’t have the audio interview rights of the content he collected as he interviewed Millionaires such as Mark Victor Hansen, Wally Famous Amos or Robert Allen?
That ability to control content allowed Litman to sell over 72,000 copies of that book. Once again, he who controls the content wins!
Do you CONTROL your auto-responder or did you fork over that control to the Guru on top? DO YOU own the content that you use in your auto-responder?
Trust yourself. Own the system.
Where would Robert Blackman, Dale Calvert or BLP-Lpod owners Richard Reckenbeil and Eric Gordon be, if they didn’t have cool site content, auto-responder content---to massage their opt ins---and content to provide and entertain with on conference calls, etc, etc.
“Content is King” and what makes it “King” is that content is the sorting procedures potential customers use to decipher whether or not they eventually buy something or not.
Think about it.
If it wasn’t for auto-responders, web-sites and conference call content none of us would be here, nor would we have any medium of information from which to exchange resources that translate to revenue based networking.
The leading indicator then is obvious, it’s content.
What is the Larry King Show? It’s content that CNN uses to sell advertising.
What is NFL? It’s content on TV designed to breed $1,00,000 ad campaigns.
The place to be for maximum control and revenue is where you can control what your potential customers see and experience. And having an army of auto-responder letters that re-sell the affiliate that you promote is not control.
That’s just content that either sinks or swims.
Real content is about content that keeps your list tied to you and them waiting for the next letter, regardless of what you are selling.
In a word, lets try relevant.
Relevant content keeps your list with you.
Hype and preying on people’s hopes and dreams makes them opt-out.
Isn’t that why we stick to people like Frank Garon and Jimmy Vigilante?
Why? Because they deliver valuable information—and entertainment—to us and regardless of what they may pitch you every now and again, the content and it’s value is what we linger for.
What the dot com Gurus have figured out is this.
Content, be it in auto-responder form, audio tape or conference call form, no matter, what they Gurus have figured out is that he who has a war chest of lucid and entertaining content----build the biggest lists and drive the most visitors to their sites.
Think about this. If you quit your current opportunity (for any reason), what CONTENT would you use to parlay your list into something else?
Taken even a step further than that, lets say your program went belly up.
What CONTENT would you use to keep your readers of your auto-responder glued to your auto-responder series?
So once again we can surmise, he who controls the content controls the nervous system of an industry.
Peace and Light,
The List-Horse
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
What Expand Attracts By Joe Schroeder
Affiliate Training / MLM Leads / Affiliate Marketing /
By Joe Schroeder
What Expands Attracts
Copyrights 2005
Joe Schroeder
Our industry is for intelligent attractive people.
Everyone has this potential, but not until they actively
include themselves into this mind-set, they sit around,
buy tickets and watch guys like me talk about it.
I am trying to include you. That is why I am explaining
all of this to you.
To become an INSPIRED Capitalist, versus just someone slapping a recruiting project into someone’s face, this is the level of thinking you will be required to elevate to.
The Hidden Code Behind Guys Like Me With Sales Organizations That Could Fill Madison Square Garden
And inspired Capitalist manifests desire in people. That makes people feel compelled to attach themselves to that which turned them on in the first place.
Bill Gates, Trump and Steven Jobs are masters at this. Every word out of their mouths is ripped with creating DESIRE in those that are within ear shot of them.
What you are about to learn is how to become someone on the side of DESIRE versus some old hack trying to “MLM” their way into a F/T business.
Jot this down. You don’t have a business if you have to beg for people to buy whatever you sell. A legitimate business is where people are attracted to whatever you promote and they vote increase into your cash register by buying into you.
It begins with expansion and is traded upon via desire.
In the event you confused by any of this, all that means is that you are not mentally ready to receive this. What you are about to read was HERE 2,000 years ago.
I used this FORMULA for much increase and even dominion.
Therefore I repeat, this is not for your reproach.
Nothing here has to be proven.
It all already exists.
If you haven’t the EYES to see this, good for you.
You are exactly where you have permitted yourself to be in life and maybe later on, years down the road WISDOM such as this can be more readily applied.
That’s right. Life is not a popularity contest.
If it was, I would not be saying all of this.
However, if I have caught you at the right time in your life, what you are about to read will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Yes, you can print this and read everyday until you have this formula memorized.
Alright, let’s begin.
IF you are reading me still and I am sure we have lost some folks, congratulations. YOU WERE SUPPOSED to read this.
Do you understand that there are no accidents?
Do you understand that you DESERVE this formula?
Do you understand that you DESERVE great increase!
Do you---are you READY?
Here she is. Watch this.
This is sheer beauty.
God is good and Nature is BEAUTIFUL.
What you EXPAND (increases).
What you EXPAND attracts.
“Joe, gimme a break. Since when did you go New Age?”
Or the guy says, “Joe, can you show me how you earn an extra throw away extra gas money side income spare change $10,000 per month adding INCREASE on-line?”
No, I probably could not. No cancel that. I could show you how to make DOUBLE your income, but apparently you think what I am about to GIFT into your life is New Age pyscko-babble.
“Well C’mon Joe. Aren’t you Mr. Networking Coach to the MLM Rock-Stars and aren’t you the guy who created two (2) $1,000,000 sales organizations----without ever calling one person.”
No, I called lots of people actually. Where’d you hear that?
“Joe, give me NUTS and BOLTS, not this mahlarky.”
My response:
What I am suggesting is that my SYSTEM was the use of Universal law. What I am trying to publicly document is that for EXTREME response (cause and effect) to occur, you need to use FORCE and ENERGY.
This is what I teach my private one-on-one coaching protégés.
#1: People who live from the OUTSIDE in are “no one is home” (blank) when it comes to UNIVERSAL law. They think the only way to pay for things is through push-n-grunt.
Those kinds of time-clock punchers pray to the gods of struggle every time they wait upon someone ELSE to pay their bills.
Those “other” people are called bosses. And they employ the 97% who argue against prosperity.
#2: WEALTHY people more times that not, are working from the INSIDE out. In other words, their lives are based in spiritual law. That’s living from the INSIDE out.
“Joe, are you saying that success and making heaps of money has to be a spiritual experience?”
The Answer:
Well of course. Look, the only reason you are working for free right now and trying to build a second work-at-home income is because you are utilizing your own FAITH.
Which is what I did and still do.
Not only that, but to achieve ANYTHING great in life takes faith.
You already have faith in what doesn’t already exist, but you have so much faith that you believe that if you ACT upon your faith what you believe will come true. That’s working through faith in order to get to what you believe. Success is spiritual.
Here is what faith is. FAITH, in the context of success is a spiritual journey. FAITH is about living a life that gives evidence to what you believe. That is what faith is.
Stop. You don’t have to rewind this. I’ll say again for you. FAITH is living a life that gives evidence to all that you believe.
Good. Now do I have your attention Mark?
“Yes Joe. Please tell me how to ATTRACT more people. I am building a business and I need to attract other people into it.”
Alright then.
Lets look at how I used UNIVERSAL WISDOM to quadruple my income, triple the vacations most people have and how I used STRESS upon Universal Law to obligate success.
Ockman’s Razor
“The Simplest Explanation is Usually
The Closest Thing To The Truth.”
Send ten (10) Stamps. For shipping.
P.O. Box 406
Ledgewood, NJ
What you EXPAND attracts.
Most Networkers and people who are selling a work-at-home business who expand very little.
They place ads, hound people’s voice-mail (most aren’t home anyway) and they beg and plead with folks to hop onto one of their companies scripted low-energy no passion conference calls.
Tell me. Is this true or am I exaggerating.
Here is what I did to ATTRACT people to me.
I expanded.
I sliced off pieces of MYSELF
That made me MULTIPLY.
I expanded, my message multiplied and people were attracted to the SIZE of what I was promoting.
That’s right, people differentiate information and opportunities, by measuring it’s merit against SIZE. People are MORE attracted to BIGGER cars, bigger houses, MORE money and bigger (expand) examples of what already exists.
That is WHY people like us with BIG “systems” always make MORE money. Simply because we are BIGGER people.
Only a BIGGER (mind) has the bigger belief where upon they would have the FAITH to [even] build a BIGGER “system.”
Make no mistake here.
Your PROSPECTS are measuring your biz-opp by calculating the SIZE of what you are showing them, versus the size or lack of SIZE the “other” people are showing them.
Example. Here is an example.
If one guy is showing you his opportunity with simply a conference call and a web-site, someone else, is understands how to be more ATTRACTIVE has expanded the same opportunity into
Look at our cool conference call. It sells for you.
Here are the post-cards we use. They work for you!
Here are the ads we use. They sell for you 24/7/365 days.
Look at the auto-responder! It sorts, sells and sponsors for you!
Our magazine ad co-op system. The magazines work for you!
Listen to our 3 option recorded call line. It’s automatic!
Oh, and we also have an off-line letter to mail to your pals.
What you EXPAND attracts MORE people.
One, because people measure and sort information by calculating success equal to its SIZE. Secondly because what is EXPANDED naturally (Universal law) attracts more of the same to multiply itself.
That is why MAN expands into a women to attract another person. This is why a tree EXPANDS (trees drops leaves) onto the ground, in order to ATTRACT it’s equal.
What you TEAR apart and PLANT grows another.
If you expand a smile, you multiply another in someone else’s face. If you offer someone a free Ebook or free CD you expand yourself and now you SIT inside of their computer and inside of their heads, as they listen to the cool CD over and over again.
I expanded myself by placing ads. That way Millions of people saw me, went through my automated system, called me and said, “Hey Mr. Joe, can you sponsor me?”
What expands attracts. Period.
This can not be ignored. It’s a fact.
What you give away you always get to keep.
How easily you give away (expand) money is to the extent of how quickly money will jump back into the palm of your hand.
If money EASILY leaves your hands money will easily hop right back into your hand.
The weak and the poor pay their debts late, they work for ONLY that which can barely pay their bills and yet they wonder why INCREASE and wealth avoid them.
It’s obvious. It’s Universal law.
What leaves your hands slowly can only come back to you even slower.
I extended myself.
I expanded myself
EXTENSIONS of myself on-line with web-sites
EXTENSIONS of myself using e-mail auto-responders.
I EXPANDED myself and multiplied by creating 12 CD programs.
What expands attracts.
Paul said, “like attracts like?”
Isn’t that the same as what expands attracts?
More attracts more. More ads, more extensions of what you already sell will attract more leads and more people and more income. Period.
The 97% of the people who argue against these LAWS work for the 3% who employ these laws to become wealthy rulers.
Question (?) If you could earn $1,000 for EVERY person you signed up into your program, wouldn’t you then invest at least $25 dollars in EVERY GREAT prospect that came into your funnel?
But people don’t do that.
But I would.
I would EXPAND myself by sending that GREAT prospect a book. I would EXTEND my personality by sending them a thank you card in the mail. I would EXTEND and EXPAND what I already have INTO that person.
Sometimes “great” qualified prospects are so qualified and such good candidates that they use DISCIPLINE and do not foolishly toss money into a business overnight.
They are successful BECAUSE they know that a fool and his money often separate.
Mark this down. GREAT PROSPECTS for your business take the longest time to enroll.
$14,000 Joe Schroeder Tip:
Great prospects are waiting to see if you, their potential sponsor will follow-up with them AFTER they reject your initial offer.
GREAT prospects are looking to see if you are a PRO or someone new and doing this industry as a money hobby.
Learn (Use!) The Joe Schroeder Mind-Set
I always looked to INCLUDE everyone. Not recruit them. I looked to include people into my WORLD.
How’s THAT for BIG thinking. My “own world.”
Therefore I looked to SERVE them.
I looked to serve them EVEN if they rejected me.
Did that make me mega-super-star pinch me this is cool
ATTRACTIVE to prospects. Yup.
You can’t create anything. Only God can.
You can ONLY add energy to what already exists.
But, 500+ people stepped into my energy.
God makes babies. Not me.
God brings me people. They step into my world.
YOU can’t make people do anything.
You do not recruit people.
MLM riff-raff try to recruit people.
Not you.
People ask YOU, “hey man, can I join your deal.”
Energy + invitation = they step into your world.
It’s about OBLIGATING energy back to you.
Hard work is for monkeys.
Hard work repulses me.
Hard work SCREWED me.
I worked HARD up until age 35. All that did was make me broke and feel like CRAP because I had to explain to my wife that her “man” was really a BOY and could not pay the bills on time.
Then, after studying the Bible and 1,000+ books on success, I uncovered the OBVIOUS.
That all (not some, but all) SUCCESS books are “code” for what is already inside the book designed by JC Himself.
Yes Sir. I learned to literally OBLIGATE success.
You bet I did.
I learned to make MINCE MEAT out of my SUBCONSCIOUS.
I learned to COMMAND my “crew” (subconscious)
I learned to create STRESS upon Universal law.
Hint: When you work from the INSIDE out (versus outside in) you are tapping into an ENERGY that other people find irresistible. This makes people line up, crawl through windows and hunt you down.
I now psychological b_ _ _ _ slap my ego.
I command it, versus it commanding me.
Never forget this Amigo. Jot this down.
“what you can not discipline will discipline you.”
Ponder and pull your chin on this.
Few people are working from an oscillation (swirling motion) of more than a put-put slow. When you are cycling energy TNT coming from FORCE and ENERGY people sense it---and they find you charismatic. Intoxicating.
Now use what you already have already.
Walk your talk versus thinking your about your steps.
What EXPANDS attracts. It has to.
It’s Universal law.
Tithing. When you give money to churches and ministries you are EXPANDING what you already have into other people.
That’s working from the INSIDE out.
Every time you give money or donate money INTO other people you are having a spiritual moment----through faith.
Did you know that every time you do something GOOD for another person you are scheduling someone NICE to place some good back into your life?
Madonna and Elvis Presley
Did you ever notice that the REALLY high tier money earners in your program have magnetic personalities? Did you notice how the leaders in the program you work are all CHARASMATIC people.
Did you notice how their hearts EXPANDED into other people?
That their personalities attracted people.
That who they ARE transcends what they do?
That WHO they are is even more important that what they DO and that prospects can feel their POWER and “sign up” just to be with someone who is POWERFUL and charismatic?
Happens all the time.
Tip. Guys like me become guys like me because guys like me do not confuse what they do with WHO they are. (think about it)
Try it. People who EXPAND their personalities into OTHERS become so darn attractive that they can (yawn) always “sign up” people. Because people STEP INTO their downlines.
It’s more about creating an atmosphere that people want to be included into rather than trying to recruit and convince anyone to join your “convincing” business.
This is about living and working from the INSIDE out.
This is about EXPANDING what you have into other people.
“Sir, can I ask a question?”
I am not Sir, call me Joe.
Just don’t call me late for lunch! (wink)
[giggling] “Joe, how come you repeat yourself so much.”
I do that do LOCK this single concept into your head.
I also use different analogies to teach the same thought.
People who live from the OUTSIDE in try to recruit people.
On the other side of the coin, people who live from the INSIDE out build people. That’s because when you build UP people those people will build the business for you.
I took the same opportunity that everyone in my company did.
However, I expanded that VISION onto newsletters, CD programs, web-sites, post-cards, videos, conference calls; etc, etc.
I EXPANDED everything.
To attracts MORE people.
What keeps the world spinning on its axis is FORCE and ENERGY. Without this, there would be no gravitational field to keep us down here on the grass.
That SAME energy is available to you to use to ATTRACT people and opportunities, just like that same energy is used to attract a tree out of an acorn.
It’s not new age.
It’s not rhetoric.
This is how the world works and builds more upon itself.
More multiplies itself.
Those (3) three words is all you need to remember.
More multiplies itself. (see Gen 1:11)
You have the choice to either struggle forever or groove into a more spiritual FLOW which in turn OBLIGATES success.
It sure beats working for a living!
Struggle, “I owe, I owe so off to work I go.”
Take care, see you soon.
Joe Schroeder
To Contact Joe Schroeder call his office at 800 772-9781
By Joe Schroeder
What Expands Attracts
Copyrights 2005
Joe Schroeder
Our industry is for intelligent attractive people.
Everyone has this potential, but not until they actively
include themselves into this mind-set, they sit around,
buy tickets and watch guys like me talk about it.
I am trying to include you. That is why I am explaining
all of this to you.
To become an INSPIRED Capitalist, versus just someone slapping a recruiting project into someone’s face, this is the level of thinking you will be required to elevate to.
The Hidden Code Behind Guys Like Me With Sales Organizations That Could Fill Madison Square Garden
And inspired Capitalist manifests desire in people. That makes people feel compelled to attach themselves to that which turned them on in the first place.
Bill Gates, Trump and Steven Jobs are masters at this. Every word out of their mouths is ripped with creating DESIRE in those that are within ear shot of them.
What you are about to learn is how to become someone on the side of DESIRE versus some old hack trying to “MLM” their way into a F/T business.
Jot this down. You don’t have a business if you have to beg for people to buy whatever you sell. A legitimate business is where people are attracted to whatever you promote and they vote increase into your cash register by buying into you.
It begins with expansion and is traded upon via desire.
In the event you confused by any of this, all that means is that you are not mentally ready to receive this. What you are about to read was HERE 2,000 years ago.
I used this FORMULA for much increase and even dominion.
Therefore I repeat, this is not for your reproach.
Nothing here has to be proven.
It all already exists.
If you haven’t the EYES to see this, good for you.
You are exactly where you have permitted yourself to be in life and maybe later on, years down the road WISDOM such as this can be more readily applied.
That’s right. Life is not a popularity contest.
If it was, I would not be saying all of this.
However, if I have caught you at the right time in your life, what you are about to read will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Yes, you can print this and read everyday until you have this formula memorized.
Alright, let’s begin.
IF you are reading me still and I am sure we have lost some folks, congratulations. YOU WERE SUPPOSED to read this.
Do you understand that there are no accidents?
Do you understand that you DESERVE this formula?
Do you understand that you DESERVE great increase!
Do you---are you READY?
Here she is. Watch this.
This is sheer beauty.
God is good and Nature is BEAUTIFUL.
What you EXPAND (increases).
What you EXPAND attracts.
“Joe, gimme a break. Since when did you go New Age?”
Or the guy says, “Joe, can you show me how you earn an extra throw away extra gas money side income spare change $10,000 per month adding INCREASE on-line?”
No, I probably could not. No cancel that. I could show you how to make DOUBLE your income, but apparently you think what I am about to GIFT into your life is New Age pyscko-babble.
“Well C’mon Joe. Aren’t you Mr. Networking Coach to the MLM Rock-Stars and aren’t you the guy who created two (2) $1,000,000 sales organizations----without ever calling one person.”
No, I called lots of people actually. Where’d you hear that?
“Joe, give me NUTS and BOLTS, not this mahlarky.”
My response:
What I am suggesting is that my SYSTEM was the use of Universal law. What I am trying to publicly document is that for EXTREME response (cause and effect) to occur, you need to use FORCE and ENERGY.
This is what I teach my private one-on-one coaching protégés.
#1: People who live from the OUTSIDE in are “no one is home” (blank) when it comes to UNIVERSAL law. They think the only way to pay for things is through push-n-grunt.
Those kinds of time-clock punchers pray to the gods of struggle every time they wait upon someone ELSE to pay their bills.
Those “other” people are called bosses. And they employ the 97% who argue against prosperity.
#2: WEALTHY people more times that not, are working from the INSIDE out. In other words, their lives are based in spiritual law. That’s living from the INSIDE out.
“Joe, are you saying that success and making heaps of money has to be a spiritual experience?”
The Answer:
Well of course. Look, the only reason you are working for free right now and trying to build a second work-at-home income is because you are utilizing your own FAITH.
Which is what I did and still do.
Not only that, but to achieve ANYTHING great in life takes faith.
You already have faith in what doesn’t already exist, but you have so much faith that you believe that if you ACT upon your faith what you believe will come true. That’s working through faith in order to get to what you believe. Success is spiritual.
Here is what faith is. FAITH, in the context of success is a spiritual journey. FAITH is about living a life that gives evidence to what you believe. That is what faith is.
Stop. You don’t have to rewind this. I’ll say again for you. FAITH is living a life that gives evidence to all that you believe.
Good. Now do I have your attention Mark?
“Yes Joe. Please tell me how to ATTRACT more people. I am building a business and I need to attract other people into it.”
Alright then.
Lets look at how I used UNIVERSAL WISDOM to quadruple my income, triple the vacations most people have and how I used STRESS upon Universal Law to obligate success.
Ockman’s Razor
“The Simplest Explanation is Usually
The Closest Thing To The Truth.”
Send ten (10) Stamps. For shipping.
P.O. Box 406
Ledgewood, NJ
What you EXPAND attracts.
Most Networkers and people who are selling a work-at-home business who expand very little.
They place ads, hound people’s voice-mail (most aren’t home anyway) and they beg and plead with folks to hop onto one of their companies scripted low-energy no passion conference calls.
Tell me. Is this true or am I exaggerating.
Here is what I did to ATTRACT people to me.
I expanded.
I sliced off pieces of MYSELF
That made me MULTIPLY.
I expanded, my message multiplied and people were attracted to the SIZE of what I was promoting.
That’s right, people differentiate information and opportunities, by measuring it’s merit against SIZE. People are MORE attracted to BIGGER cars, bigger houses, MORE money and bigger (expand) examples of what already exists.
That is WHY people like us with BIG “systems” always make MORE money. Simply because we are BIGGER people.
Only a BIGGER (mind) has the bigger belief where upon they would have the FAITH to [even] build a BIGGER “system.”
Make no mistake here.
Your PROSPECTS are measuring your biz-opp by calculating the SIZE of what you are showing them, versus the size or lack of SIZE the “other” people are showing them.
Example. Here is an example.
If one guy is showing you his opportunity with simply a conference call and a web-site, someone else, is understands how to be more ATTRACTIVE has expanded the same opportunity into
Look at our cool conference call. It sells for you.
Here are the post-cards we use. They work for you!
Here are the ads we use. They sell for you 24/7/365 days.
Look at the auto-responder! It sorts, sells and sponsors for you!
Our magazine ad co-op system. The magazines work for you!
Listen to our 3 option recorded call line. It’s automatic!
Oh, and we also have an off-line letter to mail to your pals.
What you EXPAND attracts MORE people.
One, because people measure and sort information by calculating success equal to its SIZE. Secondly because what is EXPANDED naturally (Universal law) attracts more of the same to multiply itself.
That is why MAN expands into a women to attract another person. This is why a tree EXPANDS (trees drops leaves) onto the ground, in order to ATTRACT it’s equal.
What you TEAR apart and PLANT grows another.
If you expand a smile, you multiply another in someone else’s face. If you offer someone a free Ebook or free CD you expand yourself and now you SIT inside of their computer and inside of their heads, as they listen to the cool CD over and over again.
I expanded myself by placing ads. That way Millions of people saw me, went through my automated system, called me and said, “Hey Mr. Joe, can you sponsor me?”
What expands attracts. Period.
This can not be ignored. It’s a fact.
What you give away you always get to keep.
How easily you give away (expand) money is to the extent of how quickly money will jump back into the palm of your hand.
If money EASILY leaves your hands money will easily hop right back into your hand.
The weak and the poor pay their debts late, they work for ONLY that which can barely pay their bills and yet they wonder why INCREASE and wealth avoid them.
It’s obvious. It’s Universal law.
What leaves your hands slowly can only come back to you even slower.
I extended myself.
I expanded myself
EXTENSIONS of myself on-line with web-sites
EXTENSIONS of myself using e-mail auto-responders.
I EXPANDED myself and multiplied by creating 12 CD programs.
What expands attracts.
Paul said, “like attracts like?”
Isn’t that the same as what expands attracts?
More attracts more. More ads, more extensions of what you already sell will attract more leads and more people and more income. Period.
The 97% of the people who argue against these LAWS work for the 3% who employ these laws to become wealthy rulers.
Question (?) If you could earn $1,000 for EVERY person you signed up into your program, wouldn’t you then invest at least $25 dollars in EVERY GREAT prospect that came into your funnel?
But people don’t do that.
But I would.
I would EXPAND myself by sending that GREAT prospect a book. I would EXTEND my personality by sending them a thank you card in the mail. I would EXTEND and EXPAND what I already have INTO that person.
Sometimes “great” qualified prospects are so qualified and such good candidates that they use DISCIPLINE and do not foolishly toss money into a business overnight.
They are successful BECAUSE they know that a fool and his money often separate.
Mark this down. GREAT PROSPECTS for your business take the longest time to enroll.
$14,000 Joe Schroeder Tip:
Great prospects are waiting to see if you, their potential sponsor will follow-up with them AFTER they reject your initial offer.
GREAT prospects are looking to see if you are a PRO or someone new and doing this industry as a money hobby.
Learn (Use!) The Joe Schroeder Mind-Set
I always looked to INCLUDE everyone. Not recruit them. I looked to include people into my WORLD.
How’s THAT for BIG thinking. My “own world.”
Therefore I looked to SERVE them.
I looked to serve them EVEN if they rejected me.
Did that make me mega-super-star pinch me this is cool
ATTRACTIVE to prospects. Yup.
You can’t create anything. Only God can.
You can ONLY add energy to what already exists.
But, 500+ people stepped into my energy.
God makes babies. Not me.
God brings me people. They step into my world.
YOU can’t make people do anything.
You do not recruit people.
MLM riff-raff try to recruit people.
Not you.
People ask YOU, “hey man, can I join your deal.”
Energy + invitation = they step into your world.
It’s about OBLIGATING energy back to you.
Hard work is for monkeys.
Hard work repulses me.
Hard work SCREWED me.
I worked HARD up until age 35. All that did was make me broke and feel like CRAP because I had to explain to my wife that her “man” was really a BOY and could not pay the bills on time.
Then, after studying the Bible and 1,000+ books on success, I uncovered the OBVIOUS.
That all (not some, but all) SUCCESS books are “code” for what is already inside the book designed by JC Himself.
Yes Sir. I learned to literally OBLIGATE success.
You bet I did.
I learned to make MINCE MEAT out of my SUBCONSCIOUS.
I learned to COMMAND my “crew” (subconscious)
I learned to create STRESS upon Universal law.
Hint: When you work from the INSIDE out (versus outside in) you are tapping into an ENERGY that other people find irresistible. This makes people line up, crawl through windows and hunt you down.
I now psychological b_ _ _ _ slap my ego.
I command it, versus it commanding me.
Never forget this Amigo. Jot this down.
“what you can not discipline will discipline you.”
Ponder and pull your chin on this.
Few people are working from an oscillation (swirling motion) of more than a put-put slow. When you are cycling energy TNT coming from FORCE and ENERGY people sense it---and they find you charismatic. Intoxicating.
Now use what you already have already.
Walk your talk versus thinking your about your steps.
What EXPANDS attracts. It has to.
It’s Universal law.
Tithing. When you give money to churches and ministries you are EXPANDING what you already have into other people.
That’s working from the INSIDE out.
Every time you give money or donate money INTO other people you are having a spiritual moment----through faith.
Did you know that every time you do something GOOD for another person you are scheduling someone NICE to place some good back into your life?
Madonna and Elvis Presley
Did you ever notice that the REALLY high tier money earners in your program have magnetic personalities? Did you notice how the leaders in the program you work are all CHARASMATIC people.
Did you notice how their hearts EXPANDED into other people?
That their personalities attracted people.
That who they ARE transcends what they do?
That WHO they are is even more important that what they DO and that prospects can feel their POWER and “sign up” just to be with someone who is POWERFUL and charismatic?
Happens all the time.
Tip. Guys like me become guys like me because guys like me do not confuse what they do with WHO they are. (think about it)
Try it. People who EXPAND their personalities into OTHERS become so darn attractive that they can (yawn) always “sign up” people. Because people STEP INTO their downlines.
It’s more about creating an atmosphere that people want to be included into rather than trying to recruit and convince anyone to join your “convincing” business.
This is about living and working from the INSIDE out.
This is about EXPANDING what you have into other people.
“Sir, can I ask a question?”
I am not Sir, call me Joe.
Just don’t call me late for lunch! (wink)
[giggling] “Joe, how come you repeat yourself so much.”
I do that do LOCK this single concept into your head.
I also use different analogies to teach the same thought.
People who live from the OUTSIDE in try to recruit people.
On the other side of the coin, people who live from the INSIDE out build people. That’s because when you build UP people those people will build the business for you.
I took the same opportunity that everyone in my company did.
However, I expanded that VISION onto newsletters, CD programs, web-sites, post-cards, videos, conference calls; etc, etc.
I EXPANDED everything.
To attracts MORE people.
What keeps the world spinning on its axis is FORCE and ENERGY. Without this, there would be no gravitational field to keep us down here on the grass.
That SAME energy is available to you to use to ATTRACT people and opportunities, just like that same energy is used to attract a tree out of an acorn.
It’s not new age.
It’s not rhetoric.
This is how the world works and builds more upon itself.
More multiplies itself.
Those (3) three words is all you need to remember.
More multiplies itself. (see Gen 1:11)
You have the choice to either struggle forever or groove into a more spiritual FLOW which in turn OBLIGATES success.
It sure beats working for a living!
Struggle, “I owe, I owe so off to work I go.”
Take care, see you soon.
Joe Schroeder
To Contact Joe Schroeder call his office at 800 772-9781
Friday, March 31, 2006
Prison Talk by Joe Schroeder
By Joe Schroeder
Prison Talk by Joe Schroeder
The Mega-Mind Letter, series 12 Volume 32
Copyright 2005 The Labor Plant-Schroeder Publishing
[Read carefully. This is vintage Joe Schroeder]
[1] When you KNOW YOU KNOW, that becomes
your BURDEN.
[2] When you FIND the ABSOLUTE truth, your
burden, then, is that you yearn for the whole world
to also know what you know.
I call that being a KEY-MASTER
When you know you know, you then
go on a LIFE’S MISSION to pass on what you
know to your fellow man.
[3] If you have PASSION for capitalism in MLM
—–THAT is where it comes from.
[4] We are the “Key Masters” to life. Our job
is simply to hand the “keys” of life to others
who are in jail——-and it is up to them to
open the gate!
THEIR job is to unlock the gate of their own personal jail
and to WALK out and follow you. ———-PERIOD.
That is what our job is, NOTHING MORE.
No more bribes.
No more chasing.
No more begging anyone to join you.
[5] Expose, involve and upgrade.
That is how a Pro markets.
Expose, involve, upgrade them.
You turn buyers into partners.
You convert partners into clients.
(It’s servanthood versus “pay me please”)
[6] And when we try to get “cute” and open the cell door
for them and we go into their cell and pick them up
and carry them out to the light–that, my friend,
THAT kind of co-dependant ego-trip is NOT what God
intended us to do. We are Key Masters.
Nothing more.
Lead. Don’t carry anyone.
Help. But don’t burp them.
[7] The responsibility of the Key Master is ominous.
THE BURDEN is intense.
[8] Not only do we have to pass through fear and hell
just to get to the jail cells, we also have to live
with the grief and destruction we see as we are down
there passing out the keys to life.
** We have to listen to people’s “war stories.”
** WE STARE mediocrity in the face: theirs.
** WE have to endure their lack of self esteem.
** We have to watch them vomit on themselves.
[Every last negative remark they make is “vomit.” Their own]
Plus, we have to carry with us the agony of leaving those
behind us who aren’t already behind us.
[9] Just think of it my friend, ** YOU ** walk through
miles and miles of rugged terrain filled with near-death
experiences along the way only to get to
YOUR final destination of being a Key Master.
[10] Then, when you arrive at your first cell you find a mother
and her child weeping in the corner, too weak to even get up
to walk across the room to get the Keys of life from you.
“Here is the Key, take it, come to Big Action Media.”
But they are too weak to grab your hand:
So, what do you do?
SHOULD you over-extend yourself?
[11] You open the cell door for her, pick her and her child up
and carry them to safety. And all the while you have to walk
past thousands of other women and children screaming
at you as you pass–they ARE ready to get out but can’t.
Because you used up your Keys on the first cell you passed.
On the weak. On that lady and her crying baby.
You used up your keys.
[12] And you WASTE your ENERGY trying to “convince” people.
Plus, ponder this: do we lose our credibility
when we need to cajole people into partnering with us?
And we waste our LIFE with the wrong TYPES of people.
So my Brothers and Sister Gladiators or Key Masters,
WHAT is your mission in life?
How about, to be strong.
[13] To be what God intended us to be–Gladiator Key Masters.
Walk through hell–do your job and don’t look back.
[14] Be honored that God entrusted you with the Keys to life.
With the ability to INSPIRE OTHER people.
Lord, thank you for that GIFT.
Be honored that God introduced you and me as we walked
through a living hell passing out our Keys
to the wrong Cell mates.
Think we each don’t participate in our own local
Social-cult-ridden anti-capitalist towns?
If you think you are devoid of that, try to
share your opportunity locally.
[15] Watch the sparks fly in the local social CULT
that is around all of us.
So, what happens?
[16] When you WASTE your time on the wrong types
of people and look back and you have wasted
another year of your life——THAT is Hell.
[17] HELL is also when the person you
are TODAY looks in the mirror and sees
the person you could have been.
[Wow! I want more of this!]
STARING back at you from the mirror.
I’ll be Joe Schroeder. You be you.
Be the best KEYMASTER that you can be.
Don’t look back, my Gladiator friend.
[18] God has chosen someone else to pick up those
pieces behind us and to help those who can’t
get up and walk to GRAB the Keys of Life.
The Pastor will coddle the lonely.
The 12-step programs will never go away.
We though, have a different path.
[19] If you and I do our jobs, it will enable those other
people, whom God has appointed to do those things
which drag us down. to do theirs
Be a Key Master today, my Gladiator friend.
Experience the genius in you on demand.
[20] Walk your rounds and hand the Keys of Life to the
RIGHT people–not the WRONG people.
Not only are you not supposed to give them the keys of life,
BUT they will suck the life out of you if you do–that is
why you and I were appointed to this finicky profession.
[21] To walk our “rounds” and to hand out the Keys
of life. Somehow we get confused and sidetracked,
when we start to think that our job is anything more.
YOU owe them nothing.
Beyond, POINT to the system. POINT to TRUTH.
But do NOT lose your soul or your dignity
in the process. MLM and a higher consciousness
is not for everyone. It’s ONLY for people
whose self image can support the ideal that
MLM can help you become a Pinnacle leader.
[22] It’s about duplication.
This is only for visionaries who can sell and lead.
This is only for the strong.
The weak (97%) work for 3% who employ them.
Others will grab a check. You collect love.
You share yourself. You are [actually, love!]
Isn’t that life?
[23] The 97% who ARGUE against capitalism work
for the 3% who agree with wealth and abundance.
Others will get paid for what their job pays.
YOU earn income based on who you are,
not what your job pays.
Think about it.
The employed are not paid on themselves.
They are paid on what their POSITION/LEVEL pays.
The level of a Captain of Police? Oh about $86,000.
Not good.
Not bad.
Just how life is.
Employment pays once per hour.
Entrepreneurs earn over and over per hour!
Wow, ain’t that cool.
[24] Employed folks serve a boss.
You and I serve a country.
We inspire more revenue into America.
We add, more than just toe a line.
We create other co-creators. Isn’t that MLM?
Isn’t that what we do?
We create co-creators of American free enterprise.
It’s called Network Marketing.
The new call it a business.
The old (like me) call it a life-style.
[25] So, JUST walk your rounds and hand out the
Keys To Life. STOP trying to “save” people.
You can’t save the whales if you can’t afford to fish.
[26] Meaning, you can’t help too many people
if you can’t afford to flick on the lights.
OTHERS will assist that Mother and crying child.
THAT is not your job.
POINT———and others will follow.
STAND and others will stop and look.
Sincerely, Joe Schroeder
This is stuff your kids need to read.
Questions? Contact Schroeder Publishing at 800 772-9781
Prison Talk by Joe Schroeder
The Mega-Mind Letter, series 12 Volume 32
Copyright 2005 The Labor Plant-Schroeder Publishing
[Read carefully. This is vintage Joe Schroeder]
[1] When you KNOW YOU KNOW, that becomes
your BURDEN.
[2] When you FIND the ABSOLUTE truth, your
burden, then, is that you yearn for the whole world
to also know what you know.
I call that being a KEY-MASTER
When you know you know, you then
go on a LIFE’S MISSION to pass on what you
know to your fellow man.
[3] If you have PASSION for capitalism in MLM
—–THAT is where it comes from.
[4] We are the “Key Masters” to life. Our job
is simply to hand the “keys” of life to others
who are in jail——-and it is up to them to
open the gate!
THEIR job is to unlock the gate of their own personal jail
and to WALK out and follow you. ———-PERIOD.
That is what our job is, NOTHING MORE.
No more bribes.
No more chasing.
No more begging anyone to join you.
[5] Expose, involve and upgrade.
That is how a Pro markets.
Expose, involve, upgrade them.
You turn buyers into partners.
You convert partners into clients.
(It’s servanthood versus “pay me please”)
[6] And when we try to get “cute” and open the cell door
for them and we go into their cell and pick them up
and carry them out to the light–that, my friend,
THAT kind of co-dependant ego-trip is NOT what God
intended us to do. We are Key Masters.
Nothing more.
Lead. Don’t carry anyone.
Help. But don’t burp them.
[7] The responsibility of the Key Master is ominous.
THE BURDEN is intense.
[8] Not only do we have to pass through fear and hell
just to get to the jail cells, we also have to live
with the grief and destruction we see as we are down
there passing out the keys to life.
** We have to listen to people’s “war stories.”
** WE STARE mediocrity in the face: theirs.
** WE have to endure their lack of self esteem.
** We have to watch them vomit on themselves.
[Every last negative remark they make is “vomit.” Their own]
Plus, we have to carry with us the agony of leaving those
behind us who aren’t already behind us.
[9] Just think of it my friend, ** YOU ** walk through
miles and miles of rugged terrain filled with near-death
experiences along the way only to get to
YOUR final destination of being a Key Master.
[10] Then, when you arrive at your first cell you find a mother
and her child weeping in the corner, too weak to even get up
to walk across the room to get the Keys of life from you.
“Here is the Key, take it, come to Big Action Media.”
But they are too weak to grab your hand:
So, what do you do?
SHOULD you over-extend yourself?
[11] You open the cell door for her, pick her and her child up
and carry them to safety. And all the while you have to walk
past thousands of other women and children screaming
at you as you pass–they ARE ready to get out but can’t.
Because you used up your Keys on the first cell you passed.
On the weak. On that lady and her crying baby.
You used up your keys.
[12] And you WASTE your ENERGY trying to “convince” people.
Plus, ponder this: do we lose our credibility
when we need to cajole people into partnering with us?
And we waste our LIFE with the wrong TYPES of people.
So my Brothers and Sister Gladiators or Key Masters,
WHAT is your mission in life?
How about, to be strong.
[13] To be what God intended us to be–Gladiator Key Masters.
Walk through hell–do your job and don’t look back.
[14] Be honored that God entrusted you with the Keys to life.
With the ability to INSPIRE OTHER people.
Lord, thank you for that GIFT.
Be honored that God introduced you and me as we walked
through a living hell passing out our Keys
to the wrong Cell mates.
Think we each don’t participate in our own local
Social-cult-ridden anti-capitalist towns?
If you think you are devoid of that, try to
share your opportunity locally.
[15] Watch the sparks fly in the local social CULT
that is around all of us.
So, what happens?
[16] When you WASTE your time on the wrong types
of people and look back and you have wasted
another year of your life——THAT is Hell.
[17] HELL is also when the person you
are TODAY looks in the mirror and sees
the person you could have been.
[Wow! I want more of this!]
STARING back at you from the mirror.
I’ll be Joe Schroeder. You be you.
Be the best KEYMASTER that you can be.
Don’t look back, my Gladiator friend.
[18] God has chosen someone else to pick up those
pieces behind us and to help those who can’t
get up and walk to GRAB the Keys of Life.
The Pastor will coddle the lonely.
The 12-step programs will never go away.
We though, have a different path.
[19] If you and I do our jobs, it will enable those other
people, whom God has appointed to do those things
which drag us down. to do theirs
Be a Key Master today, my Gladiator friend.
Experience the genius in you on demand.
[20] Walk your rounds and hand the Keys of Life to the
RIGHT people–not the WRONG people.
Not only are you not supposed to give them the keys of life,
BUT they will suck the life out of you if you do–that is
why you and I were appointed to this finicky profession.
[21] To walk our “rounds” and to hand out the Keys
of life. Somehow we get confused and sidetracked,
when we start to think that our job is anything more.
YOU owe them nothing.
Beyond, POINT to the system. POINT to TRUTH.
But do NOT lose your soul or your dignity
in the process. MLM and a higher consciousness
is not for everyone. It’s ONLY for people
whose self image can support the ideal that
MLM can help you become a Pinnacle leader.
[22] It’s about duplication.
This is only for visionaries who can sell and lead.
This is only for the strong.
The weak (97%) work for 3% who employ them.
Others will grab a check. You collect love.
You share yourself. You are [actually, love!]
Isn’t that life?
[23] The 97% who ARGUE against capitalism work
for the 3% who agree with wealth and abundance.
Others will get paid for what their job pays.
YOU earn income based on who you are,
not what your job pays.
Think about it.
The employed are not paid on themselves.
They are paid on what their POSITION/LEVEL pays.
The level of a Captain of Police? Oh about $86,000.
Not good.
Not bad.
Just how life is.
Employment pays once per hour.
Entrepreneurs earn over and over per hour!
Wow, ain’t that cool.
[24] Employed folks serve a boss.
You and I serve a country.
We inspire more revenue into America.
We add, more than just toe a line.
We create other co-creators. Isn’t that MLM?
Isn’t that what we do?
We create co-creators of American free enterprise.
It’s called Network Marketing.
The new call it a business.
The old (like me) call it a life-style.
[25] So, JUST walk your rounds and hand out the
Keys To Life. STOP trying to “save” people.
You can’t save the whales if you can’t afford to fish.
[26] Meaning, you can’t help too many people
if you can’t afford to flick on the lights.
OTHERS will assist that Mother and crying child.
THAT is not your job.
POINT———and others will follow.
STAND and others will stop and look.
Sincerely, Joe Schroeder
This is stuff your kids need to read.
Questions? Contact Schroeder Publishing at 800 772-9781
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Joe Schroeder Juice Call

Click here to get Joe Schroeder's latest Join Us In Celebrating Excellence(JUICE) Training Call:
Joe's Juice Call
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Joe Schroeder
Rap Star or Marketing Freak?
You Pick
Here is something I wrote.
This is VERY HARD to do, but here is my song.
MLM Cowboy
By Joe Schroeder Copyrights 2006
Here are the lyrics.
I am a digital cowboy
They call me the Cowboy of MLM
I've been on more covers than I can count
I've been confused and I'm tired of being used
I've feasted on week old chili and gotten a standing "O" in Philly
I lease my mind at Master-Mind
My reward is my army and my Toys
No one has my story
No one does it alone
You can't take one breathe without also giving one away
No one has my story
No one does it alone
I built the Master-Mind to give my boys the Glory
I sell dreams to Soldiers of Will and Angels of Hope
Like No Other Can and like no one ever will
I sell the blue pill while the other Pyramid
Lords are pushing the red one
Keeping it real, that's about it
While the other trail hogs are
trying to re-invent the wheel
It ain't real and it ain't legit
They told me to quit and they tried to ruin my dream
God is great if you believe
It takes guts and it's all about what the mind can conceive
I AM a digital Cowboy
I am a force of faith and rule the lines at the boards
I am a tattooed blue Collar Hog
Now they line up to pick at my blog
Living the life that was in my ears
Living that life within my head
I went from games to legit
My program is a hit
If you hear my name you better back down
My shoes are long and they won't fit
Blackman and Vigilante watch my back
Kentucky Mann is the rage and Stokes is lit
Calvert rocked my head and taught me how to fight the lack
Collecting my energy, re-fueling and reading in the pit
Building my brain-trust and hanging with Jimmy James and Sigmunt
Cracking nuts with Manger and building Hochman
Chale busted his head and we all cried
Brother---it's family, join us---we're the Bomb
and it's us against the Mob
It's a lonely road of faith and all we have is each other
They told us we were out of line and we all know they lied
They wish they had our lives because we never punch a clock
We've danced with Paley, Turner and Robbins
No one's met anyone like us
They always ask us our age, but who asking?
If you're talking numbers I'm talking 3 Million around the block
I got here with a heart made of glass and a 92 Dodge
You ain't got the time, so stop acting like a clown
You can watch but you better back down
Page 1
Step into my mind
My heart is my key
Make it authentic and poke at you at Google
Market it right and they'll stand up for you at A-Weber
Sell it right and the spam heads will steal it and try to make it better
And when it's from the heart everyone's feel'in it
This is Joes house so stand if you dare
It's only for people who want to thinker harder
It's our club, our master-mind. Only for people who care.
I thank God that I was distorted
Now I can see what you can only Imagine
They told me to get a job
and now look who's the boss
No one can beat me at this game
Bunch of white suits and red ties
making me real
It's a cause
It's real
I'll take you to the top of the
trees and all the way to the sky
Leaving the guys in ties, in tears over their own lies
I am the Son of an American Capitalist
and a Good News Merchant
You are too. Anything you say you are.
My life gives evidence to that
I said it and made it so
I wrote it before it came true
I planted my future into my present
No one can deny it.
Publishers hunt for me and I make them my meal
Company red ties hammer my cell and I press quit
I can't be bought and I am done being anyone's boy
My mind is my torture and mediocrity stares me down
Anything you say you are
Keep it real and you gotta care
Build the Master-Mind, and forget the credit, you don't need it
You're already in, just say it and make it so----just gotta dare
Anything you say you are, take the leap, have some faith
Say it again and make it yours
Only the Lord knows for sure
I am the MLM Cowboy
You are too. Anything you say you are. Keep it pure.
Your mind is your slave. I made mine my toy.
By Joe Schroeder
this song took 20 minutes to write
PLEASE add your own music
Questions? Contact Schroeder Publishing at 800 772-9781
This is VERY HARD to do, but here is my song.
MLM Cowboy
By Joe Schroeder Copyrights 2006
Here are the lyrics.
I am a digital cowboy
They call me the Cowboy of MLM
I've been on more covers than I can count
I've been confused and I'm tired of being used
I've feasted on week old chili and gotten a standing "O" in Philly
I lease my mind at Master-Mind
My reward is my army and my Toys
No one has my story
No one does it alone
You can't take one breathe without also giving one away
No one has my story
No one does it alone
I built the Master-Mind to give my boys the Glory
I sell dreams to Soldiers of Will and Angels of Hope
Like No Other Can and like no one ever will
I sell the blue pill while the other Pyramid
Lords are pushing the red one
Keeping it real, that's about it
While the other trail hogs are
trying to re-invent the wheel
It ain't real and it ain't legit
They told me to quit and they tried to ruin my dream
God is great if you believe
It takes guts and it's all about what the mind can conceive
I AM a digital Cowboy
I am a force of faith and rule the lines at the boards
I am a tattooed blue Collar Hog
Now they line up to pick at my blog
Living the life that was in my ears
Living that life within my head
I went from games to legit
My program is a hit
If you hear my name you better back down
My shoes are long and they won't fit
Blackman and Vigilante watch my back
Kentucky Mann is the rage and Stokes is lit
Calvert rocked my head and taught me how to fight the lack
Collecting my energy, re-fueling and reading in the pit
Building my brain-trust and hanging with Jimmy James and Sigmunt
Cracking nuts with Manger and building Hochman
Chale busted his head and we all cried
Brother---it's family, join us---we're the Bomb
and it's us against the Mob
It's a lonely road of faith and all we have is each other
They told us we were out of line and we all know they lied
They wish they had our lives because we never punch a clock
We've danced with Paley, Turner and Robbins
No one's met anyone like us
They always ask us our age, but who asking?
If you're talking numbers I'm talking 3 Million around the block
I got here with a heart made of glass and a 92 Dodge
You ain't got the time, so stop acting like a clown
You can watch but you better back down
Page 1
Step into my mind
My heart is my key
Make it authentic and poke at you at Google
Market it right and they'll stand up for you at A-Weber
Sell it right and the spam heads will steal it and try to make it better
And when it's from the heart everyone's feel'in it
This is Joes house so stand if you dare
It's only for people who want to thinker harder
It's our club, our master-mind. Only for people who care.
I thank God that I was distorted
Now I can see what you can only Imagine
They told me to get a job
and now look who's the boss
No one can beat me at this game
Bunch of white suits and red ties
making me real
It's a cause
It's real
I'll take you to the top of the
trees and all the way to the sky
Leaving the guys in ties, in tears over their own lies
I am the Son of an American Capitalist
and a Good News Merchant
You are too. Anything you say you are.
My life gives evidence to that
I said it and made it so
I wrote it before it came true
I planted my future into my present
No one can deny it.
Publishers hunt for me and I make them my meal
Company red ties hammer my cell and I press quit
I can't be bought and I am done being anyone's boy
My mind is my torture and mediocrity stares me down
Anything you say you are
Keep it real and you gotta care
Build the Master-Mind, and forget the credit, you don't need it
You're already in, just say it and make it so----just gotta dare
Anything you say you are, take the leap, have some faith
Say it again and make it yours
Only the Lord knows for sure
I am the MLM Cowboy
You are too. Anything you say you are. Keep it pure.
Your mind is your slave. I made mine my toy.
By Joe Schroeder
this song took 20 minutes to write
PLEASE add your own music
Questions? Contact Schroeder Publishing at 800 772-9781
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